God Is Dead, Just Like Your Baby

pregnant wimmin are still wimmin, still human, blatant propaganda won't alter our decision making; the decision stands despite pictures of dead babies. take away my right to my own body, find me in an alley all by myself. forced desperation in measures otherwise avoided. a hanger now determines my fate. take away our rights to our own bodies, we'll teach ourselves alternative surgeries. take away my right to choose and maybe your pictures will come true, right in front of you.
[the choice to abort or not to abort is a personal decision. believe it or not, women do have the right to control their own bodies, whether or not a fetus is present. illegalizing aboriton will merely take the matter into our own hands. abortion is killing, abortion is not murder.]

Blood-Soaked Headlights

headlights flashing over expressionless faces. living harmoniously door-to-door. i don't know my neighbors, i don't know them anymore. do they have someone, someone to share it with? do they have someone, someone to grin & bear it with? are they laughing crying dreaming dying? so many minds never shared, never known. so many false friendships that don't reach the bone.
[there are so many people in the world that we smile & nod at, but who do we allow ourselves to really get to know & enlighten? do something to make someone's day a little brighter; don't take anyone for granted. life is too short to be an asshole constantly. its disgusting the amount of people & things we take for granted.]

Our Passion Exceeds Hairstyles & Dress Codes

music is passion. passion is music. open your eyes. open your mind. touch & be touched. love & be loved. feel & be felt. move, dance, be.
[our scene is supposedly devoid of passion, yet we breathe, bleed, dance, live & die for this shit.]

Reminiscing By Myself

visits from old friends in the middle of the afternoon. we have to go; do you want to go; we have to go; do you want to go? no no no no no no no! your eyes give away every ounce of feeling in your body. the way you sit next to eachother, i can feel it, you want more than awkward silences. you want all those nights, all those conversations, all those songs turned up. & all those sparkling eyes filled with more fucking passion than we can imagine. you want it back, you want it back. i want it back for you.
[friendships drift & cease to be over time. if you miss something; chase it; get it back. don't let beautiful bonds between beautiful people be broken after all that amazing time.]

Forty Ounces to Boredom

personality for sale! by the ounce by the pound! personality for sale! by the pint by the round! we'll make you into the person you want to be, but can't attain without aide. we'll do it all for an even trade. bottle up your inhibitions & the person you used to be; & we'll give you a new persona, complete with ignition key.
[in my experience, drugs & alcohol was a mere facade i put on to be someone i couldn't be without their help. its a calling out of the fact that in the wonderful band old sarum's beautifully articulated words 'drugs & alcohol took my best years from me, drugs & alcohol took my best friends from me.' its that simple. its also an anthem for anyone who's found themselves outside of substances after it consumed them. stay strong!]

Heartless [Rewire from Default]

machines; used against eachother. robots of the mass; lies & gossip become norm. friends become trash. rewire your program away from default; abolish all systems! ignore what you have been taught; abolish all systems! a sea of faceless faces, an ocean of nameless names, a mass of storyless lives; abolish all systems! all made to be carbon copies, more dead than alive; abolish all systems! originality is obsolete, sit down when ordered, stand only when told, your personality has been sold. in this world of machinery, your personality, has been sold.
[this song is about how heartless people can become when gaining hierarchy on the social ladder. don't take for granted anyone & show your friends you love them. be original; be yourself. have a heart. another issue this song somewhat can be related to is the fact that physical and mental abuse doesn't just happen between boyfriend and girlfriend, parent and child, husband and wife; it also happens between friends. i've fallen victim to controlling, vindictive personalities time and time again, and there's a point when you need to say enough is enough. let these people know they will not be tolerated.]

Paris Hilton Death Camp

born in a cosmo magazine. impressions fit the tv screen. lifetime of silenced screams. molded superficial dreams. dying in an artificial life. new identity underneath the knife. personality; whoever. plastic as ever.
[from day one; everyone is subjected to media enslavement. we are told who we are supposed to be & what standards we are supposed to live up to. make your own standards. break free.]

Sour Patch Clit

so whats my score? how do i rate; on the scale of one to whore? is your cock big enough to stick down my throat? can i please please please hold your coat? can i stand in the back of the show & make it so i'm definitely not known? lead the way; i promise not to stray. i really wish you'd tell me what to do & where to stand; because i don't know who i am without a boy to hold my hand.
[this song was written in frustration at certain people who think that just because i have a vagina, that i am here to be fucked. i am here to dance, scream, and shout along. just like you.]

Close To Home

"you've come a long way, baby." but they've always told me: the apple never falls far from the tree. and we've still got so fucking far to go. because life is the constant rage of knowing rape is only one mother, sister, cousin, girlfriend, lover away from me. "you've come a long way, baby" but they've always told me, the apple never falls far from the tree. and we've still got so fucking far to go. are you ready to go that fucking far with me? [the closer i get to the females in my life, the more i realize that nearly everyone of them has been sexually assualted in one way or another. coming into this world from a raped and pillaged mother's cunt is a reality check that the way we raise our children and the images and lifestyles we subject them to is fucked up. what's wrong with our sons & our daughters? brothers, don't rape your sisters.]

Suffering Beauty

& i bet you think life can't continue. with every breath, centuries pass. before it travels through your body. and back out into the open again. if i wrapped all your fears into a package bigger than all of us. bigger than all of this. would you face it, snarling, as the woman you know you are? or would you retreat to your corner and wilt like the dying beauty you wish you were? well, we're all dying with every breath we take, and we're all beautiful despite our mistakes. don't let this one control you this time. don't let this one consume you again. your fears are in front of you and they are bigger than life. once you confront them, they will wither like the winter when it fades. don't let yourself fade. how can you watch yourself fade? [this song was written after watching the demise of an unhealthy relationship of someone i was very close to. watching this beautiful person settle for this garbage was hard enough, but after the demise having to watch this person wallow in their own self-pity was even harder. don't get wrapped up in your sorrows, break yourself out of the shell you've put yourself into.]